1-How to install:
use the file createDbase.sql for create 2 table in your database:
After that OPEN /lib/class/class.mysql.php
and edit:
private $sys_nomehostDB = "localhost"; //ip database
private $sys_nomeuserDB = "dbase_user"; //username database
private $sys_passwordDB = "psw_dbase"; //password database
private $sys_databaseName = "name_database"; //name database
private $sys_databasePort=null; //port database if not set use a null
For a good mysql connection.
2-Generate and create a new user for test:
Open file lock.php
you can find an example for password "MyPassword".
The long code that you can read is the code to insert in tbl_users.user_email.
The combination of: user_email, user_password are the correct login information where:
tbl_users.user_email = user field (mail or text)
tbl_users.user_password = the encoded password (it's a SHA-512 encode) (the example that you can find for password "MyPassword").
After that in every page of your application simple include this file on the top:
The object: userActive is your user. (in the class there are detail of each method).
The method: userActive->userIdentified() return: False (Not logged in) or 1(logged in)