Last Updated | | Ratings | | Unique User Downloads | | Download Rankings |
2015-06-25 (1 year ago)  | | Not enough user ratings | | Total: 473 | | All time: 5,708 This week: 1,068 |
Description | | Author |
This package can compose and generate PDF documents using mPDF.
It can create an instance of the mPDF class and set or get several document parameters using setter and getter functions, like for the document format, margins, orientation and default font.
The provider class can also set some document parameters defined as HTML like a CSS stylesheet, or get the mPDF instance object so you can add content as HTML blocks directly to the document. | |
Innovation award
 Nominee: 1x |
mPDF wrapper. Check mPDF website for further details
Using in Symfony2
Add the bridge classes to container config.
mPDF container config
<parameter key="fluency_office.mpdf.factory.class">Fluency\Bridge\MPdf\MPdfFactory</parameter>
<parameter key="fluency_office.mpdf.provider.class">Fluency\Bridge\MPdf\MPdfProvider</parameter>
<service id="fluency_office.mpdf.factory" class="%fluency_office.mpdf.factory.class%"/>
<service id="fluency_office.mpdf.provider" class="%fluency_office.mpdf.provider.class%">
<argument type="service" id="fluency_reports.mpdf.factory" />
<service id="mpdf.factory" alias="fluency_office.mpdf.factory"/>
<service id="mpdf.provider" alias="fluency_office.mpdf.provider"/>
Generate PDF files from controllers.
$mpdf = $this->get('mpdf.provider');
'Some HTML Text or $this->render(your_twig_view)->getContent()'
return $mpdf->getMPdfResponse();
Applications that use this package |
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