Gollos Rest API Client
This class can eanage e-commerce operations using the Gollos API.
It can send HTTP requests to the Gollos API Web server to perform several types of operations with customers, vendors, products, orders, etc..
Currently it can retrieve, add, update and delete products, groups, customers, vendors, products and orders.
Available methods
`getProducts`, `addProducts`, `updateProducts`, `removeProducts`
`getGroups`, `addGroups`, `updateGroups`, `removeGroups`
`getVendors`, `addVendors`, `updateVendors`, `removeVendors`
`getCustomers`, `addCustomers`, `updateCustomers`, `removeCustomers`
`getOrders`, `removeOrders`
1) Install composer
2) Follow in the project folder:
composer require dmamontov/gollos-restapi ~1.0.0
In config composer.json
your project will be added to the library dmamontov/gollos-restapi
, who settled in the folder vendor/
. In the absence of a config file or folder with vendors they will be created.
If before your project is not used composer
, connect the startup file vendors. To do this, enter the code in the project:
require 'path/to/vendor/autoload.php';
Examples of use
Getting information about the order
$gollos = new GollosRestApi($key, $secretKey);
$order = $gollos->getOrders(array('id' => 25648));
Creating a client
$gollos = new GollosRestApi($key, $secretKey);
$customer = array(
'first_name' => 'Test',
'last_name' => 'Test',
'username' => 'dtest',
'password' => uniqid(),
'ip' => ''
$result = $gollos->addCustomers($customer);