Open Exchange Rates PHP Wrapper
A PHP wrapper for API with extended features for non advanced options plan.
Return all available currencies
Return latest exchange rates using default base currency USD or custom currency
Return historical exchange rates using default base currency USD or custom currency
Return dates range exchange rates using default base currency USD or custom currency
return single rate
Change base currency
Convert between currencies
Cache exchange rates using Memcache, APC or File cache
Set currencies that will be returned in resulting exchange rates
use Dzasa\OpenExchangeRates\OpenExchangeRates;
use Dzasa\OpenExchangeRates\Cache;
$config = array(
'api_key' => 'your_api_key', // required
'protocol' => 'https', // optional [http|https]
'client' => 'curl', // optional [curl|file_get_contents]
'base' => 'EUR' // optional
// using File cache
$cache = new Cache("file", array('cache_dir'=>'/path_to_cache_dir/'));
$exchangeRates = new OpenExchangeRates($config, $cache);
// or using APC
$cache = new Cache("apc");
$exchangeRates = new OpenExchangeRates($config, $cache);
// or using Memcache
$cache = new Cache("memcache", array('host'=>'localhost', 'port'=> 11211));
$exchangeRates = new OpenExchangeRates($config, $cache);
// or not using cache
$exchangeRates = new OpenExchangeRates($config);
// get all currencies
$currencies = $exchangeRates->getAllCurrencies();
// change base currency
// set currencies
// get latest currencies
$latestRates = $exchangeRates->getLatestRates();
// get exchange rates for 01.01.2014, input can be any valid strtotime input for past
$historicalRates = $exchangeRates->getHistorical("2014-01-01");
// get exchange rates for date range, input can be any valid strtotime() input
$timeSeries = $exchangeRates->getTimeSeries("last Friday", "today");
// convert from EUR to BAM with 3 decimals
$convert = $exchangeRates->convert("EUR", "BAM", 10, 3);
// get rate for EUR currency
$singleRate = $exchangeRates->getRate("EUR");
// get base currency
$baseCurrency = $exchangeRates->getBaseCurrency();
// get API license
$license = $exchangeRates->getLicense();
// get API Disclaimer
$disclaimer = $exchangeRates->getDisclaimer();
Works with PHP 5.3 or above.
Submitting bugs and feature requests
Bugs and feature request are tracked on [GitHub]
Jasenko Rakovic -
Licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details