Useful tool for a fast development, when working more developers in one project.<br>
Demo: <a href="http://atandrastoth.co.uk/main/pages/phpclasses/SqlFuncProc/">Live Demo</a><br>
<img src="demo.PNG"><br>
-create sql script with your favorite application<br>
-replace the parameters of the ?<br>
-save sql script to predefined folder<br>
// get instance with PDO connection data
//$func = SqlFuncProc::getInstance("mysql:host=YOURSERVER;dbname=AdventureWorks2012;charset=utf8", yourname, yourpass);
$func = SqlFuncProc::getInstance("sqlsrv:Server=YOURSERVER;Database=AdventureWorks2012", null, null);
// Functions list from folder with parameters : viewFunc($name = "", $class="")
// $name: chars from filename, $class: table class
echo $func->viewFunc("", "table table-bordered");
// Processes list from folder with parameters : viewFunc($name = "", $class="")
// $name: chars from filename, $class: table class
echo $func->viewProc("", "table table-bordered");
//Run noerror proc runProc($proc, $params = array(), $force = false);
//$proc: process name, $params: parameter array
$data = $func->runProc('noerror', array(50));
//Run OrganizationTree func: runFunc($proc, $params = array(), $limit = false)
//$proc: process name, $params: parameter array, $limit : returned rows count
//return array()
$data = $func->runFunc("OrganizationTree",array(1,0), 10);
//Create HTML table from array: getHTMLtable($array = array(), $id = "", $class = "", $head = true)
echo $func->getHTMLtable($data, "", "table table-striped", true);
Add more feature in the nearest future...
Author: Tóth András