PHP Classes

PHP Collections Framework: Manipulate collections of objects like Java and C#

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2013-04-18 (3 years ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot enough user ratingsTotal: 263 All time: 7,288 This week: 1,043Up
Version License PHP version Categories
pcf 1.2Free for non-comm...5.3PHP 5, Libraries, Data types
Description Author

This package can be used to manipulate collections of objects like Java and C#.

It consists of a groups of classes that implement data structures to manipulate collections of values like HashSet, ArrayList, LinkedList, Stack, Queue, HashMap and TreeMap.

The package also provides wrapper classes to encapsulate basic data types so they can be treated as objects in the collections.

The Exception and Utility package provides additional classes that can be used together with PCF.

Picture of Ordland Euroboros
  Performance   Level  
Name: Ordland Euroboros <contact>
Classes: 2 packages by
Country: United States United States

  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imagecollection (82 files)
Files folder imagedemo (10 files)
Files folder imageexception (10 files)
Files folder imagenative (14 files)
Files folder imageutility (5 files)

  Files folder image Files  /  collection  
File Role Description
  Plain text file arraydeque.php Class The ArrayDeque Class
  Plain text file arraylist.php Class The ArrayList Class
  Plain text file ascendingsubmap.php Class The AscendingSubMap Class
  Plain text file ascendingsubset.php Class The AscendingSubSet Class
  Plain text file collection.php Class The abstract Collection Class
  Plain text file collectioniterator.php Class The abstract CollectionIterator Class
  Plain text file collective.php Class The Collective Interface
  Plain text file dequeable.php Class The DeQueable Interface
  Plain text file dequeiterator.php Class The DequeIterator Class
  Plain text file descendingkeyiterator.php Class The DescendingKeyIterator Class
  Plain text file descendinglistiterator.php Class The DescendingListIterator Class
  Plain text file descendingqueueiterator.php Class The DescendingQueueIterator Class
  Plain text file descendingsubentryiterator.php Class The DescendingSubEntryIterator Class
  Plain text file descendingsubkeyiterator.php Class The DescendingSubKeyIterator Class
  Plain text file descendingsubmap.php Class The DescendingSubMap Class
  Plain text file descendingsubset.php Class The DescendingSubSet Class
  Plain text file entry.php Class The Entry Class
  Plain text file entryiterator.php Class The EntryIterator Class
  Plain text file entrylinkediterator.php Class The EntryLinkedIterator Class
  Plain text file entryset.php Class The EntrySet Class
  Plain text file entrysubiterator.php Class The EntrySubIterator Class
  Plain text file entrysubset.php Class The EntrySubSet Class
  Plain text file entrytreeiterator.php Class The EntryTreeIterator Class
  Plain text file entrytreeset.php Class The EntryTreeSet Class
  Plain text file hashmap.php Class The HashMap Class
  Plain text file hashmapentry.php Class The HashMapEntry Class
  Plain text file hashmapiterator.php Class The abstract HashMapIterator Class
  Plain text file hashset.php Class The HashSet Class
  Plain text file immutableentry.php Class The ImmutableEntry Class
  Plain text file iterative.php Class The Iterative Interface
  Plain text file keyiterator.php Class The KeyIterator Class
  Plain text file keylinkediterator.php Class The KeyLinkedIterator Class
  Plain text file keymapset.php Class The KeyMapSet Class
  Plain text file keyset.php Class The KeySet Class
  Plain text file keysubiterator.php Class The KeySubIterator Class
  Plain text file keytreeiterator.php Class The KeyTreeIterator Class
  Plain text file keytreeset.php Class The KeyTreeSet Class
  Plain text file linkedhashmap.php Class The LinkedHashMap Class
  Plain text file linkedhashmapentry.php Class The LinkedHashMapEntry Class
  Plain text file linkedhashmapiterator.php Class The LinkedHashMapIterator Class
  Plain text file linkedhashset.php Class The LinkedHashSet Class
  Plain text file linkedlist.php Class The LinkedList Class
  Plain text file linkedlistiterator.php Class The LinkedListIterator Class
  Plain text file listable.php Class The Listable Interface
  Plain text file listiterative.php Class The ListIterative Interface
  Plain text file listiterator.php Class The ListIterator Class
  Plain text file lists.php Class The abstract List class
  Plain text file map.php Class The abstract Map Class
  Plain text file mapentry.php Class The MapEntry Class
  Plain text file mappable.php Class The Mappable Interface
  Plain text file mapset.php Class The abstract MapSet Class
  Plain text file navigablemappable.php Class The NavigableMappable Interface
  Plain text file navigablesettable.php Class The NavigableSettable Interface
  Plain text file node.php Class The Node Class
  Plain text file priorityqueue.php Class The PriorityQueue Class
  Plain text file priorityqueueiterator.php Class The PriorityQueueIterator Class
  Plain text file queue.php Class The abstract Queue Class
  Plain text file queueable.php Class The Queueable Interface
  Plain text file queueiterator.php Class The abstract QueueIterator Class
  Plain text file randomaccessible.php Class The RandomAccessible Interface
  Plain text file sequentiallist.php Class The abstract SequentialList Class
  Plain text file set.php Class The abstract Set Class
  Plain text file settable.php Class The Settable Interface
  Plain text file sortedmappable.php Class The SortedMappable Interface
  Plain text file sortedsettable.php Class The SortedSettable Interface
  Plain text file stack.php Class The Stack Class
  Plain text file stackable.php Class The Stackable Interface
  Plain text file sublist.php Class The SubList Class
  Plain text file sublistiterator.php Class The SubListIterator Class
  Plain text file submap.php Class The abstract SubMap Class
  Plain text file submapiterator.php Class The SubMapIterator Class
  Plain text file treemap.php Class The TreeMap Class
  Plain text file treemapentry.php Class The TreeMap Entry Class
  Plain text file treemapiterator.php Class The TreeMapIterator Class
  Plain text file treeset.php Class The TreeSet Class
  Plain text file valueiterator.php Class The ValueIterator Class
  Plain text file valuelinkediterator.php Class The ValueLinkedIterator Class
  Plain text file valuemapset.php Class The ValueMapSet Class
  Plain text file valueset.php Class The ValueSet Class
  Plain text file valuesubiterator.php Class The ValueSubIterator Class
  Plain text file valuetreeiterator.php Class The ValueTreeIterator Class
  Plain text file valuetreeset.php Class The ValueTreeSet Class

  Files folder image Files  /  demo  
File Role Description
  Accessible without login Plain text file arraylistdemo.php Example A demo using arraylist
  Accessible without login Plain text file autoloader.php Aux. The Autoload File
  Accessible without login Plain text file hashmapdemo.php Example A demo using HashMap
  Accessible without login Plain text file hashsetdemo.php Example A demo using HashSet
  Accessible without login Plain text file linkedhashmapdemo.php Example A demo using LinkedHashMap
  Accessible without login Plain text file linkedlistdemo.php Example A demo using LinkedList
  Accessible without login Plain text file queuedemo.php Example A demo using priorityqueue and arraydeque
  Accessible without login Plain text file stackdemo.php Example A demo using Stack
  Accessible without login Plain text file treemapdemo.php Example A demo using TreeMap
  Accessible without login Plain text file treesetdemo.php Example A demo using TreeSet

  Files folder image Files  /  exception  
File Role Description
  Plain text file classcastexception.php Class The ClassCastException Class
  Plain text file classnotfoundexception.php Class The ClassNotFoundException Class
  Plain text file emptystackexception.php Class The EmptyStackException Class
  Plain text file illegalargumentexception.php Class The IllegalArgumentException Class
  Plain text file illegalstateexception.php Class The IllegalStateException Class
  Plain text file indexoutofboundexception.php Class The IndexOutOfBoundException
  Plain text file interfacenotfoundexception.php Class The InterfaceNotFound Exception
  Plain text file logicexception.php Class The LogicException Class
  Plain text file nosuchelementexception.php Class The NosuchElementException Class
  Plain text file unsupportedoperationexception.php Class The UnsupportedOperationException Class

  Files folder image Files  /  native  
File Role Description
  Plain text file arrays.php Class The Array Class
  Plain text file boolean.php Class The Boolean Class
  Plain text file byte.php Class The Byte Class
  Plain text file char.php Class The Char Class
  Plain text file double.php Class The Double Class
  Plain text file float.php Class The Float Class
  Plain text file integer.php Class The Integer Class
  Plain text file long.php Class The Long Class
  Plain text file null.php Class The Null Class
  Plain text file number.php Class The abstract Number Class
  Plain text file object.php Class The root Object Class
  Plain text file objective.php Class The Objective Interface
  Plain text file short.php Class The Short Class
  Plain text file string.php Class The String Class

  Files folder image Files  /  utility  
File Role Description
  Plain text file autoboxer.php Class The Autoboxer Class
  Plain text file comparable.php Class The Comparable Interface
  Plain text file comparative.php Class The Comparative Interface
  Plain text file hash.php Class The Hash Class
  Plain text file reversecomparator.php Class The ReverseComparator Class

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