PHP Classes

Image Merge: Overlay several images into a single image

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Picture of Aleix Cabistany
Name: Aleix Cabistany <contact>
Classes: 1 package by
Country: Spain Spain

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This class can overlay several images into a single image.

It can take a list of image files distinct formats and sizes and creates another image file that overlays all the images, being the first in the back and the last in the front of all others.

If the images are not of the same size, they will be aligned to a given rule that can determine if they are centered or aligned to a given edge or corner of the resulting image.

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Name: Image Merge
Base name: image-merge
Description: Overlay several images into a single image
Version: 1.0
PHP version: 5.2
License: BSD License
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  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Accessible without login Image file base.png Data image for testing
Accessible without login Image file coberta.png Data image for testing
Plain text file ImgMerge.php Class Image Merge Class
Accessible without login Image file logo.jpg Data image for testing
Accessible without login Plain text file test.php Example Shows how to use the class

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