PHP Classes

Auto form: Generate HTML forms to manipulate MySQL records

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Picture of Arturs Sosins
Name: Arturs Sosins <contact>
Classes: 22 packages by
Country: Latvia Latvia
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This class can be used to generate HTML forms to manipulate MySQL table records.

It can take a list of MySQL table fields and generate HTML for forms to select, insert, update, delete table records.

The class can also perform given validations of specified fields and invoke given callback functions on certain form processing events.

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Name: Auto form
Base name: auto-form
Description: Generate HTML forms to manipulate MySQL records
Version: 1.4
PHP version: 5.0
License: BSD License
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  Related pages  
Auto form class documentation
Documentation and example scripts in action

  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Plain text file auto_form.php Class Main class source
Accessible without login Plain text file simple_example.php Example Example with multiple forms on one page
Accessible without login Plain text file delete_example.php Example Example of delete form - delete accounts
Accessible without login Plain text file edit_example.php Example Example of update form - editing member account
Accessible without login Plain text file login_example.php Example Example of select form - member login
Accessible without login Plain text file register_example.php Example Example of insert form - member registration
Accessible without login Plain text file connection.php Aux. Database connection for examples
Accessible without login Plain text file sql_script_for_example.txt Data SQL script for examples

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