PHP Classes

Cisco IP Phone Framework: Generate XML for services of Cisco IP phones

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  Author Author  
Picture of Tyler Winfield
Name: Tyler Winfield <contact>
Classes: 4 packages by
Country: Canada Canada
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x

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This package can be used to generate XML for services of Cisco IP phones.

It provides several classes that can be used to compose and generate XML responses that may be used to describe and handle services to be made available from Cisco IP phones.

Currently it can generate XML for directory services, execute services, graphical and icon menu services, image services, input services, menu services and text services.

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Name: Cisco IP Phone Framework
Base name: cisco-xml-framework
Description: Generate XML for services of Cisco IP phones
Version: 0.1.0
PHP version: 5.2
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
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  Innovation Award  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2011
Number 3
Cisco IP phones can be customized with XML retrieved from servers that defines what appears in the device menus. This allows developing custom applications for those devices.

This class provides a PHP solution for generating XML for such device applications.

Manuel Lemos

  Applications that use this package  
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  Related pages  
API Documentation
reference documentation for object and function reference

  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imageCiscoIPPhone (2 files, 2 directories)

  Files folder image Files  /  CiscoIPPhone  
File Role Description
Files folder imageCore (6 files)
Files folder imageXMLServices (8 files)
  Accessible without login Plain text file Framework.php Aux. core file for including framework in PHP applications
  Accessible without login Plain text file README Doc. Installation & Usage instructions.

  Files folder image Files  /  CiscoIPPhone  /  Core  
File Role Description
  Accessible without login Plain text file CiscoXMLDirectoryEntry.php Class class object for XML directory entries
  Accessible without login Plain text file CiscoXMLIconItem.php Class class object for XML icon items
  Accessible without login Plain text file CiscoXMLInputItem.php Class class object for XML input items
  Accessible without login Plain text file CiscoXMLMenuItem.php Class class object for XML menu items
  Accessible without login Plain text file CiscoXMLService.php Class superclass object for all XML service class objects
  Accessible without login Plain text file CiscoXMLSoftKeyItem.php Class class object for XML softkey items

  Files folder image Files  /  CiscoIPPhone  /  XMLServices  
File Role Description
  Accessible without login Plain text file CiscoIPPhoneDirectory.php Class class file for Cisco XML directory service objects
  Accessible without login Plain text file CiscoIPPhoneExecute.php Class class file for Cisco XML execute service objects
  Accessible without login Plain text file CiscoIPPhoneGraphicFileMenu.php Class class file for Cisco XML graphical menu service objects
  Accessible without login Plain text file CiscoIPPhoneIconFileMenu.php Class class file for Cisco XML icon menu service objects
  Accessible without login Plain text file CiscoIPPhoneImageFile.php Class class file for Cisco XML image service objects
  Accessible without login Plain text file CiscoIPPhoneInput.php Class class file for Cisco XML input request service objects
  Accessible without login Plain text file CiscoIPPhoneMenu.php Class class file for Cisco XML menu service objects
  Accessible without login Plain text file CiscoIPPhoneText.php Class class file for Cisco XML text service objects

Install with Composer Install with Composer - Download Download all files: cisco-xml-framework.tar.gz
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