PHP Classes

Proxy Connector: Retrieve remote Web pages using the TOR network

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2024-01-09 (4 days ago) RSS 2.0 feedStarStarStar 59%Total: 848 This week: 5All time: 4,101 This week: 71Up
Version License PHP version Categories
proxy-connector 1.23GNU General Publi...5.3HTTP, PHP 5


This class can be used to retrieve remote Web pages using the TOR network.

It can connect to an HTTP proxy server that accesses the TOR network to communicate with any remote Web server.

The class can switch the TOR user identity and use a random browser identity on each request to further obfuscate the Web accesses done by the class.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2010
Number 6

Prize: One copy of RadPHP XE
TOR network allows you to connect to a remote host using many encrypted links that forward packets to other nodes of the TOR network, making the original computer address and location very hard to track, if possible at all.

This class can add further obfuscation to Internet accesses via TOR network by switching between random TOR user identities on each access.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Ska-Man
Name: Ska-Man <contact>
Classes: 2 packages by
Country: Italy Italy
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x



//include the class
//remember the configuration file is located in:


//get an istance of the proxy
$connection = proxyConnector::getIstance();

//connect to and change my identity
//because "switchIdentityAfterRequest" is set to TRUE
//in the .ini file
$connection->launch("", null);

//get the data and show it
$data = $connection->getProxyData();



proxyConnector ReadMe

Read this file before use proxyConnector class.

Where find: - main class file: proxyConnector.class.php - configuration file: proxyConnector.ini - example: index.php - license: gpl-license.html

The last version is: proxyConnector 1.1 TorVersion (28/01/2011)

Before using mysessionClass check the md5sum.

8062e21ae476c038a019c50ff0ee9b6f proxyConnector.class.php 750dcb840c2c240083349d69d21f46ec proxyConfiguration.ini 7b13d3393525c6a2cfa145a4782ff523 index.php

If some file do not pass the md5sum test, ask me for the file to kaiserbaldo[]

HowTo: If you want to use the TOR Network: 1. Verify that you have TOR installed in your system or find a TOR Proxy 2. Write the IP and the PORT of the proxy into the ini file in the [general] section 3. If you want to control TOR proxy to change identity you need to configure both the TOR proxy and the ini file. 3.1 Configurin the TOR Proxy:

    3.1.1: Go to the configuration file of the proxy and enable the control port.
           The configuration file should be placed here: /etc/tor/torrc
    3.1.2: The password need to be setted in the HashedControlPassword
    3.1.3: Set the password: tor --hash-password YOUR_STRONG_PASSWORD

3.1 The ini file:

    In the tor section write the PORT of the control port you had enable before
    and the password you used to run tor --hash-password YOUR_STRONG_PASSWORD

After that the class is ready to work

Change Log: 1.1: Solved a problem in the proxy with spaced urls

 Added this readMe

Thanks for reading

  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Accessible without login Plain text file proxyConnector.class.php Class The main class file
Accessible without login Plain text file proxyConfiguration.ini Data Proxy cnfiguration file
Accessible without login Plain text file index.php Example Example script
Plain text file readMe Doc. Documentation file
HTML file gpl-license.html Lic. License

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Worked at the first try.
10 years ago (Nadir)