PHP Classes

SQL Parse and Compile: Parse and compose SQL queries programatically

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  Author Author  
Picture of Tom Schaefer
Name: Tom Schaefer <contact>
Classes: 39 packages by
Country: Germany Germany
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 9x

Winner: 1x

  Detailed description   Download Download .zip .tar.gz   Install with Composer Install with Composer  
This package can be used to parse and compose SQL queries programatically.

It can take an SQL query and parse it to extract the different parts of the query like the type of command, fields, tables, conditions, etc..

It can also be used to do the opposite, i.e. compose SQL queries from values that define each part of the query.

I. Parser
- insert
- replace
- update
- delete
- select
- union
- subselect
- recognizes flow control function (IF, CASE - WHEN - THEN)
- recognition of many sql functions

II. Composer (Compiler)
- insert
- replace
- update
- delete
- select
- union

III. Wrapper SQL
- object oriented writing of SQL statements from the scratch

$insertObject = new Sql();
$sqlout = $insertObject->compile();

echo $sqlout;
INSERT INTO employees (LastName, FirstName) VALUES ('Davolio', 'Nancy')

a more advanced example:

$sql = 'SELECT
countrylanguage.Language AS lang,
country co
LEFT JOIN city ct ON co.Code = ct.CountryCode
LEFT JOIN countrylanguage cl ON cl.CountryCode = ct.CountryCode
(co.Continent='Asia' AND cl.Language='Pashto')
ct.CountryCode = 'AFG'

// using wrapper class
$sqlDef = new Sql();

// adding a left join
'Left'=> array("Value"=>"employees.employeeID", "Type" => "ident"),
'Op'=> '=',
'Right'=> array("Value"=>1, "Type" => "int_val"),

$sqlout = $sqlDef->compile();


echo $sqlout;
SELECT countrylanguage.CountryCode, country.Name, country.Continent, country.Region, country.SurfaceArea, city.District, country.IndepYear, country.Population, city.CountryCode, city.Name, city.Population, countrylanguage.Language AS lang, countrylanguage.IsOfficial, countrylanguage.Percentage, country.GovernmentForm, country.LocalName, country.GNPOld, country.GNP, country.LifeExpectancy
FROM country AS co
LEFT JOIN city AS ct ON co.Code = ct.CountryCode
LEFT JOIN countrylanguage AS cl ON cl.CountryCode = ct.CountryCode
LEFT JOIN employees ON employees.employeeID = 1
WHERE (co.Continent = 'Asia' and cl.Language = 'Pashto')
GROUP BY co.Name
HAVING ct.CountryCode = 'AFG'
LIMIT 0,100

IV. Hint
Sql_Compiler is none validating, but throws errors on type mismatch or corrupt statements

If you have good ideas to improve this set of classes, let me know.

Thanks a lot to George Antoniadis (Author: rephp framework, from for his qualified feedback.

Many thanks to all, which gave me qualified feedback and voted for this set of classes at the contest.

  Classes of Tom Schaefer  >  SQL Parse and Compile  >  Download Download .zip .tar.gz  >  Support forum Support forum (4)  >  Blog Blog  >  RSS 1.0 feed RSS 2.0 feed Latest changes  
Name: SQL Parse and Compile
Base name: parsecompile
Description: Parse and compose SQL queries programatically
Version: 0.3
PHP version: 5.0
License: Artistic License
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  Files folder image Screenshots  
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Accessible without login Image file sql01.png Screen Classes UML
Accessible without login Image file sql02.png Screen Bottom

  Innovation Award  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2008
Number 2

Prize: One copy of VS.PHP
Programmatically composing simple SQL queries is a relatively easy task. However, more complex queries are harder to compose.

This class provides a solution that not only simplifies the composition of complex queries using a fluent interface, but it can also parse, edit and rewrite predefined SQL queries.

Manuel Lemos

  Applications that use this package  
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  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imagesamples (9 files)
Files folder imageSql_Parser (8 files)
Files folder imageSql_Compiler (8 files)
Files folder imageSql_Dialect (1 file)
Files folder imageSql_Interface (2 files)
Accessible without login Plain text file autoload.php Aux. autoload function
Plain text file Sql.class.php Class Wrapper class for parsing and compiling sql, adding joins, condition etc.
Plain text file Sql_Compiler.class.php Class compiler class
Plain text file Sql_Lexer.class.php Class tokenizes a sql string
Plain text file Sql_Object.class.php Class sql object class (singleton)
Plain text file Sql_Parser.class.php Class parser class

  Files folder image Files  /  samples  
File Role Description
  Accessible without login Plain text file Conf. config
  Accessible without login Plain text file delete.sql Data delete sql
  Accessible without login Plain text file function.php Example example for composing function with alias from the scratch
  Accessible without login Plain text file index.php Example sample
  Accessible without login Plain text file insert.sql Data insert sql
  Accessible without login Plain text file select.sql Data sample select
  Accessible without login Plain text file test.txt Aux. Author's testing statements
  Accessible without login Plain text file union.sql Data Example Union SQL
  Accessible without login Plain text file update.sql Data update sql

  Files folder image Files  /  Sql_Parser  
File Role Description
  Plain text file Sql_ParserDelete.class.php Class parses delete statement into object
  Plain text file Sql_ParserFlow.class.php Class parses flow control functions into object
  Plain text file Sql_ParserFunction.class.php Class parses sql functions into object
  Plain text file Sql_ParserInsert.class.php Class parses insert statement into object
  Plain text file Sql_ParserReplace.class.php Class parses replace statement into object
  Plain text file Sql_ParserSelect.class.php Class parses select statement into object
  Plain text file Sql_ParserUnion.class.php Class parses union statement into object
  Plain text file Sql_ParserUpdate.class.php Class parses update statement into object

  Files folder image Files  /  Sql_Compiler  
File Role Description
  Plain text file Sql_CompilerInsert.class.php Class compile insert statement
  Plain text file Sql_CompilerUnion.class.php Class compile union statement
  Plain text file Sql_CompilerDelete.class.php Class compile delete statement
  Plain text file Sql_CompilerFlow.class.php Class compile flow control functions
  Plain text file Sql_CompilerFunction.class.php Class compile sql functions
  Plain text file Sql_CompilerReplace.class.php Class compile replace statement
  Plain text file Sql_CompilerSelect.class.php Class compile select statement
  Plain text file Sql_CompilerUpdate.class.php Class compile update statement

  Files folder image Files  /  Sql_Dialect  
File Role Description
  Accessible without login Plain text file Aux. mysql dialect tokens

  Files folder image Files  /  Sql_Interface  
File Role Description
  Plain text file Sql_InterfaceCompiler.class.php Class interface for compiler classes
  Plain text file Sql_InterfaceParser.class.php Class interface for parser classes

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