PHP Classes

Price Comparison Shopping by Generate price comparison site with DataFeedFile

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  Author Author  
Picture of Andrew Nurcahya
Name: Andrew Nurcahya <contact>
Classes: 1 package by
Country: United States United States
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x

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This class can be used to generate a price comparison shoping site as affiliate of DataFeedFile.

It accesses the DataFeedFile Web services API server to retrieve all the information that is necessary to display products by category or perform product searches.

  Classes of Andrew Nurcahya  >  Price Comparison Shopping by  >  Download Download .zip .tar.gz  >  Support forum Support forum (2)  >  Blog Blog  >  RSS 1.0 feed RSS 2.0 feed Latest changes  
Name: Price Comparison Shopping by
Base name: dff_php_frameworkapi
Description: Generate price comparison site with DataFeedFile
Version: 1.0.3
PHP version: 5
License: Free To Use But Restricted
  Groups   Screenshots Screenshots   Applications   Related pages   Files Files  

Group folder image PHP 5 Classes using PHP 5 specific features View top rated classes
Group folder image E-Commerce Online stores, shopping baskets and payment methods View top rated classes
Group folder image Web services Web data clipping, SOAP or XML-RPC clients and servers View top rated classes

  Files folder image Screenshots  
File Role Description
Accessible without login Image file demo_price_search_engine.gif Screen Price Search Engine result for keyword bluetooth headset (grid view mode)
Accessible without login Image file demo_deal_search_engine.gif Screen Deal Search Engine showing coupons, rebates, deals, etc...
Accessible without login Image file demo_homepage.gif Screen Price comparison shopping home page
Accessible without login Image file dff_product_price_comparison.gif Screen Product price comparison page


What is the best PHP price comparision site class?
Price comparison site like

What is the best PHP price compare class?
Price comparison web site

  Innovation Award  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2008
Number 9
Price comparison sites are very popular as they help customers finding stores that sell the products they want for the lowest price.

Such sites can earn money in commissions over the sales or customers lead to the e-commerce sites.

This package provides a solution for quickly building generic price comparison sites in PHP as affiliates of the site.

Manuel Lemos

  Applications that use this package  
Crazy Deals
Crazy Deals for coupon codes, rebates, bargains, etc
Price Comparison Shopping Web Sites
Save Crazy
Price comparison shopping site at

Add link image If you know an application of this package, send a message to the author to add a link here.

  Related pages  
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Fully Ready Instant Web Site - Demo with Source Code
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Complete DFF Wiki Documentation
Short Demos
Short Examples and Demos
Simple Examples
Simple List of Examples organized by Functionality and Language

  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imageinclude (14 files)
Plain text file LICENSE.txt Lic. DFF PHP Client Library LICENSING DESCRIPTION
Plain text file README.txt Doc. DFF PHP Client Library README file
Plain text file DFF_config.php Conf. DFF Config file for DFF Client Library

  Files folder image Files  /  include  
File Role Description
  Plain text file DFF_affiliate_client_API.php Class MAIN DFF PHP Client Class Library 1.0.3
  Plain text file DFF_category1.array.php Aux. List of level 1 categories in PHP array
  Plain text file DFF_debug.func.php Aux. Debug function for DFF client library
  Plain text file DFF_dffml.func.php Aux. DFF Mark-up Language DFFML function
  Plain text file DFF_featured_prdt.func.php Aux. DFF Featured Product Function
  Plain text file DFF_mer.func.php Aux. DFF merchant related functions
  Plain text file DFF_mer_prdt.func.php Aux. DFF merchant product functions
  Plain text file DFF_paging.func.php Aux. DFF search result paging function
  Plain text file DFF_PSE.func.php Aux. Price Search Engine function
  Plain text file DFF_querystring.class.php Aux. Query String Processing Class for DFF PHP Client Library
  Plain text file DFF_rss.class.php Aux. Generates RSS feed from DFF price comparison shopping database
  Plain text file DFF_rss.func.php Appl. Function to create RSS output for DFF RSS Class
  Plain text file DFF_sku.func.php Aux. DFF Product SKU database related functions
  Plain text file DFF_tag.func.php Aux. Tags, Keywords and Cloud Tag generator function

Install with Composer Install with Composer - Download Download all files: dff_php_frameworkapi.tar.gz
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