PHP Classes

PHP Tree Graph: Render graphical diagrams of hierarchical trees

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Picture of Mathias
Name: Mathias <contact>
Classes: 1 package by
Country: Germany Germany

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This package can be used to render graphical diagrams of hierarchical trees of nodes.

There is a base tree class that manages an hierarchy of node objects.

A renderer sub-class takes care of traversing the tree and rendering a representation of each node in an image.

Each node may have associate a text, an image and desired width and height that it will occupy in the tree graphical diagram.

The colors of the image background, node, node links and node text are configurable. The node link style, node text font and node border width can also be configured.

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Name: PHP Tree Graph
Base name: phptreegraph
Description: Render graphical diagrams of hierarchical trees
Version: 1.0.0
PHP version: 5.0
License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
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  Files folder image Screenshots  
File Role Description
Accessible without login Image file sample1.png Screen sample output
Accessible without login Image file Screen1.png Screen sample output

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  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imageclasses (3 files)
Image file croc.png Photo Image
Plain text file Demo1.php Example Demo file to show possibilities
Plain text file Demo2.php Example demo file to show possibilities
Image file fish.png Photo graphic
Image file frosch.png Photo Image
Image file fungi.png Photo Image
Plain text file Readme Data Readme file

  Files folder image Files  /  classes  
File Role Description
  Plain text file GDRenderer.php Class GD rendering class
  Plain text file Node.php Class node class
  Plain text file Tree.php Class Main class with layout algorithm

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