PHP Classes

WHM XML API: Manipulate Cpanel/WHM accounts using its XML API

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Picture of Arash Hemmat
Name: Arash Hemmat <contact>
Classes: 2 packages by
Country: Iran Iran

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This class can be used to manipulate Cpanel/WHM hosting accounts using the XML Web services API.

It can establish secure HTTP connections to a Web server to manage Cpanel/WHM accounts and authenticates on behalf of a given Cpanel user.

The class can execute several types of requests:

- Retrieve the XML API version
- Retrieve the server host name
- List the active hosting accounts
- List the available packages
- Create a new account
- Retrieve a summary about an account
- Change the password of an account
- Suspend, unsuspend and terminate an account
- Upgrade or downgrade a package

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Base name: whm
Description: Manipulate Cpanel/WHM accounts using its XML API
Version: 1.0
PHP version: 5.0
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
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Group folder image Web services Web data clipping, SOAP or XML-RPC clients and servers View top rated classes
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  Pages that reference this package  
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Whilst cPanel itself is excellent, particularly with the way it gives so much power to users in a safe and intuitive way, WHM certainly is not...
cPanel / WHM - a kind of rant
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cPanel / WHM - a kind of rant
Anyone who knows me will know that I’m pretty geeky; no to mention opinionated. One program that frequently irritates me is Web Host Manager, that hideous pile of junk which is, effectively, the administration side of cPanel...
cPanel WHM + PHP WHM XML API Class
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  Related pages  
WHM XML API document
This is the document of WHM XML API that users should read before using this class.

  Files folder image Files  
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Accessible without login Plain text file COPYING Lic. license
Accessible without login Plain text file README Doc. documentation
Accessible without login Plain text file test.php Example example
Plain text file whm.php Class whm xml api class

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