PHP Classes

Merge Pictures: Generate an image from the combination of 2 images

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Picture of Germano
Name: Germano <contact>
Classes: 1 package by
Country: Brazil Brazil

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This class can be used to generate an image from the combination of two pictures.

It creates a new image pasting two given images in GIF, JPEG or PNG formats.

The new image has the width of the first image. The second image will be rescaled to appear with the same width as the first. The new image height is the sum of the first image height with the height of second image after rescaled.

The resulting image may show the first image at the top or below the second image. Alternatively, it may show the first image on the top of the second.

The final image may be stored to a file in the JPEG, GIF or PNG formats.

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Name: Merge Pictures
Base name: mergepictures
Description: Generate an image from the combination of 2 images
Version: 1.2
PHP version: 5.0
License: The PHP License
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Group folder image PHP 5 Classes using PHP 5 specific features View top rated classes
Group folder image Graphics Colors, images, charts and picture formats View top rated classes

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  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Plain text file mergePicture.php Class Main class
Plain text file foto.php Class class of image attributes
Accessible without login Plain text file imageTest.php Example example of mergePicture class use

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