PHP Classes

SMS Gateway API (gammu): Send and receive SMS messages using Gammu

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Picture of stieven kalengkian
Name: stieven kalengkian <contact>
Classes: 2 packages by
Country: Indonesia Indonesia

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This class can be used to communicate with mobile devices to send and receive SMS messages using Gammu or MyGnokii2 1.06.00 programs.

It can execute the program and make it execute several types of SMS operations like:

- Send SMS messages
- Download SMS from the mobile device
- Retrieve the list of messages from the device SMS inbox
- Delete SMS messages

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Name: SMS Gateway API (gammu)
Base name: gammu_sms
Description: Send and receive SMS messages using Gammu
Version: 2.0
PHP version: 3
License: Freely Distributable
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Group folder image Wireless and Mobile Wireless communications, handheld and pocket computing View top rated classes

  Files folder image Screenshots  
File Role Description
Files folder imagegammu (2 files)

  Files folder image Screenshots  /  gammu  
File Role Description
  Accessible without login Image file 01.jpg Screen SMS Inbox
  Accessible without login Image file 02.jpg Screen SMS Write and Send

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Links: Mobile phones & SMS Gateways
Recently, I’ve been reading on mobile phones and setting up your own SMS gateway for various uses...
php-gammu, Kirim SMS dengan PHP via gammu()
PHP class ini sangat membantu jika kita ingin berinteraksi dengan Gammu atau Mygnokii2 1.06.00 ( GNU All Mobile Management Utilities)...
php-gammu, Kirim SMS dengan PHP via gammu()
PHP class ini sangat membantu jika kita ingin berinteraksi dengan Gammu atau Mygnokii2 1.06.00 ( GNU All Mobile Management Utilities).menggunakan PHP 5.1.4...

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  Related pages  
Download Gammu
Official Gammu Download
Gammu Website
Gammu family Free tools and software for cellular devices and phones
Phone DB
Gammu Phone Support Database

  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Plain text file class.gammu.php Class New Gammu API for version 1.26+
Plain text file class.sms.gammu.php Class Gammu API for version 1.1x
Plain text file README Doc. README file

Install with Composer Install with Composer - Download Download all files: gammu_sms.tar.gz
NOTICE: if you are using a download manager program like 'GetRight', please Login before trying to download this archive.