PHP Classes

Autolink Keywords: Automatically creates links for content keywords

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Picture of Ver Pangonilo
Name: Ver Pangonilo <contact>
Classes: 3 packages by
Country: Philippines Philippines
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This class can generate links for the keywords of text content.

The class takes a list of keywords for links and another list of keywords associated to text content.

These content keywords may have been extract from the content itself with the automatic keyword generator class.

For each of the content keywords that match any link keywords, this class will find the keywords in the content text and replaces it with a link to the respective link keyword URL.

The search for the keywords may be case sensitive or not.

The keyword links will have a configurable CSS class and ID attribute.

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Name: Autolink Keywords
Base name: autolink
Description: Automatically creates links for content keywords
Version: 1.0.0
PHP version: 4
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
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  Packages needed by this class  
Class DownloadWhy it is needed Dependency
Automatic Keyword Generator Download .zip .tar.gz The output of this class is used as an input to the Autolink Keywords class Recommended

  Applications that use this package  
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  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Plain text file class.autokeyword.php Class Automatic Keyword Generator Class
Plain text file class.autolink.php Class Autolink Keyword main class file
Accessible without login Plain text file Example1.php Example Example 1 using case insensitive replacement and online keyword array list
Accessible without login Plain text file Example2.php Example Example 2 using case sensitive replacement and a separate keyword array list file
Accessible without login Plain text file linkedKeywords.php Aux. Sample keywords link list file
Accessible without login Plain text file README.txt Doc. Instructions

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