PHP Classes

Arc Length: Measure the length of a circle arc

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2006-09-29 (10 years ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot yet rated by the usersTotal: 379 This week: 1All time: 6,376 This week: 1,047Up
Version License Categories
arclength 1.0FreewareAlgorithms, PHP 5, Math
Description Author

This class can be used measure the length of arc of circle that contains 3 given points.

It takes the coordinates of three points and tries to fit them in a arc of circle. Then it calculates the length of that arc.

Picture of Jean Pierre Daviau
Name: Jean Pierre Daviau <contact>
Classes: 1 package by
Country: Canada Canada

This class calculates the arc of three points on a circle. Call the class with -help argv[1]
On the command line:
		php -check-f arcLength.php 0 14 73.5 9 96 0					[arc] => 98.554522503617

		a) ligne de commande: php -check-f arcLength.php 0 14 73.5 9 96 0 4 >si y 1=y3=0 augmenter l'ordonnée de [ex:4]
		b) arcLength.php 0 14 73.5 9 96 0  4 >si y 1=y3=0 augmenter l'ordonnée de [ex:4]
		c) si y 1=y3=0 augmenter l'ordonnée de [ex:4] est facultatif.
				.	. .
				.		.   .
				.			.    .
				.				.      .   (75.5, 9)
				.					.   .  .
				.					  .     .
				.				     . .    .
				.			   	  .   .   .
				.		  (73.12,9).     . 
				.					 ...      . .
				.	 		.		  .     .    ..
				. .				  .           .(96,0)
				(0,0)										(97.02,0)

		php -check-f arcLength.php 0  0  73.12  9  97.02  0  14  [arc] => 98.705349301392
		php -check-f arcLength.php 0 14 73.5 9 96 0					[arc] => 98.554522503617
		php -check-f arcLength.php 1  4  26  2  51  0				[arc] => 51.629657987267


If you create an improved version
  • arcLength.gif
  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Plain text file arcLength.php Class arc calculator
Plain text file ReadMearcLength Doc. Readme

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