PHP Classes

Simple OpenID PHP Class: Authenticate users with OpenID single sign-on

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Picture of Vladimir
Name: Vladimir <contact>
Classes: 2 packages by
Country: Czech Republic Czech Republic
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x

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This class can be used to authenticate users with OpenID single sign-on Web services.

It can set the required and optional user profile fields that the users must provide to authenticate, establish a connection to an OpenID server, redirect the user browser to the OpenID server pages, making the browser be redirected back to a given page when the authentication is finished.

When the user browser is redirected to the site, the class can connect to the OpenID server to verify whether the returned authentication key is valid.

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Name: Simple OpenID PHP Class
Base name: openid_simple
Description: Authenticate users with OpenID single sign-on
Version: 1.0.0
PHP version: -
License: Freeware
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  Innovation Award  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2006
Number 7
OpenID is an Open Standard for implementing single sign-on solutions.

It can be used to let sites authenticate users using the same credentials that they use to access other sites. This way, users do not need to remember to many user names and passwords to access different sites.

This class provides a client implementation of the OpenID standard.

Manuel Lemos

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  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Plain text file class.openid.v2.php Class Updated version of OpenID Class - my Marco
Plain text file class.openid.v3.php Class Updated Class Contributed by Eddie Roosenmaallen
Accessible without login Plain text file openid-example.php Example Working Example
Plain text file class.openid.php Class PHP Class File

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