PHP Classes

Claw: Rapid development MVC framework for PHP 5

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2006-06-22 (10 years ago) RSS 2.0 feedStarStarStar 54%Total: 2,310 All time: 1,628 This week: 909Up
Version License Categories
clawphp 1.0GNU General Publi...PHP 5, Libraries
Description Author

This package implements a framework intended to provide a convenient and intuitive way of development of PHP 5 driven object oriented applications.

It allows the developing of tree-structured applications having the following aspects in mind:

- Model-View-Control separation
- Search engine friendly URLs without need to use excessive URL rewrite rules
- User permission handling
- Processing of request values: $_GET, $_POST, $_REQUEST, $_COOKIE, etc.)
- Form processing
- Session handling
- Configuration file handling
- Support for AJAX
- Database independence and object persistence
- Loose-coupled components with possibility of choice and extensions

Picture of Barclay
Name: Barclay <contact>
Classes: 1 package by
Country: Lithuania Lithuania

Claw Framework
Hierarchical MVC approach for rapid application development with PHP5

New features. New Coding Standards. 
Not only for web applications, thanks to ClawRequest.

Useful resources:   - project home   - project development page  - public documentation wiki (please help filling it up)  - blog of development team
  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imagecfg (2 files)
Files folder imagecore (13 files)
Files folder imageext (19 files)
Files folder imageifc (5 files)
Accessible without login Plain text file init.php Appl. Claw framework's startup point
Accessible without login Plain text file README Data Readme

  Files folder image Files  /  cfg  
File Role Description
  Accessible without login Plain text file claw.default.php Conf. Configuration (PHP way)
  Accessible without login Plain text file claw.default.xml Data Default configuration (XML way)

  Files folder image Files  /  core  
File Role Description
  Plain text file Claw.php Class Main class
  Plain text file ClawArgs.php Class Claw Arguments
  Plain text file ClawContainer.php Class Claw Container for enhancing objects with variable manipulation
  Plain text file ClawCookie.php Class Claw Cookie Handler
  Plain text file ClawCrypt.php Class Two-way encryption mechanism
  Plain text file ClawException.php Class Claw Exception
  Plain text file ClawModel.php Class Claw Database Model
  Plain text file ClawPage.php Class Claw Page Base
  Plain text file ClawRegistry.php Class Static object registry
  Plain text file ClawSession.php Class Claw Session Handler
  Plain text file ClawUser.php Class User Handler for Claw Framework
  Plain text file Debug.php Class Claw Debug
  Plain text file Namespaces.php Class Namespaces Handler for Claw Framework

  Files folder image Files  /  ext  
File Role Description
  Plain text file ArgsClawException.php Class Bad Arguments Exception
  Plain text file DBClawException.php Class Claw DB Exception
  Plain text file InvalidPathClawException.php Class Claw Invalid Path Exception
  Plain text file ModelClawException.php Class Claw Model Exception
  Plain text file MySQLClawDB.php Class PHP-MySQL Claw DB adapter
  Plain text file NoAuthClawException.php Class Claw No Authorization Exception
  Plain text file OracleClawDB.php Class PHP-Oracle Claw DB adapter
  Plain text file PHPClawConfig.php Class Claw configuration handler. Deals with PHP files.
  Plain text file PHPClawRenderer.php Class Native PHP Template Renderer for Claw Framework
  Plain text file PHPClawRendererLib.php Class Native PHP Template Renderer for Claw Framework Library
  Plain text file PostgreSQLClawDB.php Class PHP-PostgreSQL Claw DB adapter
  Plain text file SmartyClawRenderer.php Class Smarty Template Engine Renderer for Claw Framework
  Plain text file SmartyClawRendererAjax.php Class Smarty Template Engine Renderer for Claw Framework Ajax Helpers. Uses Prototype javascript framework (
  Plain text file SmartyClawRendererHelper.php Class Smarty Template Engine Renderer helper for Claw Framework
  Plain text file SmartyClawRendererI18n.php Class Internationalization helper for ClawRenderer. Useful with controllers too
  Plain text file SmartyClawRendererLib.php Class Smarty Template Engine Renderer for Claw Framework Library
  Plain text file SQLiteClawDB.php Class PHP-SQLite Claw DB adapter
  Plain text file URLPathInfoClawRequest.php Class URL PATH_INFO Claw Request
  Plain text file XMLClawConfig.php Class Claw configuration handler. Deals with XML files.

  Files folder image Files  /  ifc  
File Role Description
  Plain text file ClawConfig.php Class Claw Configuration Interface
  Plain text file ClawDB.php Class Claw Database Handler interface, compatible with ClawModel, gives additional functionality that may be required for database operations
  Plain text file ClawRenderer.php Class Claw Renderer Interface
  Plain text file ClawRendererHelper.php Class ClawRenderer Helper Interface
  Plain text file ClawRequest.php Class Claw Request Interface

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