PHP Classes

credit card validation: Validate credit card numbers

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Picture of Harish Chauhan
Name: Harish Chauhan <contact>
Classes: 28 packages by
Country: India India
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x

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This is a simple class for validating credit card numbers.

It can perform MOD10 card number validation and also determine the credit card type based on the knowledge of the association the type to the combination of the card digits.

It supports validating cards by the following types: mastercard, discover, amex, diners, bankcard, jcb, enroute and switch.

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Name: credit card validation
Base name: creditcardvalidation
Description: Validate credit card numbers
Version: 1.0.0
PHP version: -
License: Freeware
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  Other classes that need this package  
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  Files folder image Files  
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Accessible without login Plain text file cctest.php Example example
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