PHP Classes

Web Page Size Calculator: Determine the size of Web page and its elements

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  Author Author  
Picture of Huda M Elmatsani
Name: Huda M Elmatsani <contact>
Classes: 14 packages by
Country: Indonesia Indonesia
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 5x

Winner: 3x

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This class can fetch a Web page and analyse it to determine the total size of the page files including its elements.

It may be used to figure if a page is taking too much bandwidth and time to load because its total size is too large. Once you determine the total size of your pages, you can take appropriate action, like for instance reducing the size of the HTML code or removing less important parts.

This class calculates size of Web page and any elements that need to be loaded by a browser to present the page, such as images, Javascript code, Flash animations, frames, etc..

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Name: Web Page Size Calculator
Base name: webpagesize
Description: Determine the size of Web page and its elements
Version: 1.0.0
PHP version: 3
License: Freeware
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  Innovation Award  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2005
Number 3

Prize: One downloadable copy of Komodo Pro
The satisfaction of the users of a site is often directly related with the speed by which the pages of the site load.

The easy way to measure the load speed is to determine the size of the pages and divide by the speed of the Internet connection of the site users.

However, it is not very accurate to only consider the size of the HTML code of a page. Usually there are many other pages elements that are loaded separately like images, style sheets, animations, frames, etc..

This class provides a more accurate solution to the problem of computing the real size of a page.

It parses the HTML code in order to determine which other page elements are loaded and retrieves their sizes that are added to size of the HTML code at the end of the calculation.

Manuel Lemos

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  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Plain text file class.webpagesize.php Class class calculates webpage size
HTML file output.webpagesize.html Output sample output
Plain text file sample.webpagesize.php Example example

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