PHP Classes

Probabilistic: Perform common probabilistic analisis calculations

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2004-11-19 (11 years ago) RSS 2.0 feedStarStarStar 53%Total: 1,213 All time: 3,034 This week: 531Up
Version License Categories
probabilistic 1.0Free for non-comm...Algorithms
Description Author

This class is meant to perform several types of common calculations used in probabilistic analysis

It can calculate:

* Average
* Variance
* Standard deviation
* Poisson density and distribution
* Hypergeometric density and distribution
* Binomial density and distribution
* Normal density and distribution (Gauss curve).

It also has functions to calculate :

* Factorial of a number
* Combinations o two numbers
* Interpolation
* The area and Z values in the areas under the normal curve of probability.

The class code comments and the examples are in Spanish.

In Spanish:

Esta clase le permitira calcular:

* Media
* Desviacion estandar
* Distribucion y densidad de Poisson
* Distribucion y densidad binomial
* Distribucion y densidad hipergeometrica
* Distribucion y densidad normal.

Ademas tiene metodos para calcular:

* El factorial de un numero
* La combinatoria entre dos numeros
* Interpolar
* Obtener el area y el valor de Z en la tabla de areas bajo la curva normal de probabilidad.

Picture of Julian Sanchez
Name: Julian Sanchez <contact>
Classes: 1 package by
Country: Colombia Colombia

Just unpack on yout http dir.

probabilistic.obj.php 	--> Contains object class
sample.php		--> Aplication for each method in HTML
ztable.txt		--> Valus of the area under the curve indexed by Z
README.txt		--> This file

*														*
*	Author: Julian M. Sanchez Garcia									*
*	Suggestions: yompy at hotmail dot com									*
*	Copyright : free for non-commercial use. 								*
*														*
*	Densisad de probabilidad de Poison									*
*		dens_poison(int sucesos, real+ media)  								*
*	Distribucion de Poison (Densidad Acumulada)								*
*		dist_poison(int sucesos, real+ media) --> 							*
*	Densidad Binomial											*
*		dens_binomial(int exitos, int ensayos, real+ probabilidad) 					*
*	Distribucion Binomial (Densidad Acumulada)								*
*		dist_binomial(int exitos, int ensayos, real+ probabilidad) 					*
*	Densidad Hipergeometrica										*
*		dens_hiperg(int exitos_muestra, int muestra, int exitos_poblacion, int poblacion) 		*
*	Distribucion Hipergeometrica (Densidad Acumulada)							*
*		dist_hiperg(int exitos_muestra, int muestra, int exitos_poblacion, int poblacion) 		*
*	Media													*
*		media(float $n_exitos, float $prob_exitos)							*
*	Desviacion Estandar											*
*		desviacion(float $n_exitos, float $prob_exitos[, float $prob_fracasos])				*
*			$prob_fracasos = 1 - $prob_exitos							*
*	Varianza												*
*		varianza(int $n_exitos, float $prob_exitos[, float $prob_fracasos])				*
*			$prob_fracasos = 1 - $prob_exitos							*
*	Desviacion Normal											*
*		Z(float $muestra, float $media, float desviacion)						*
*	Punto final desde o hacia la media para determinar el area bajo la curva Normal				*
*		areaZ(float $muestra, float $n_exitos, float $prob_exitos[[, float $muestra], float $signo])	*
*			ej: Se sabe que el 25% de los estudiantes usa anteojos. Cual es la probabilidad		*
*			    de que en un curso de 40 alumnos, por lo menos 5 de ellos usen gafas?		*
*				areaZ(4.5,40,0.25,5,">=") //4.5 Valor menor a 5					*
*			$signo puede ser "<=", ">=", ">", "<"							*

  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Plain text file probabilistic.obj.php Class Probabilistic class
Accessible without login Plain text file README.txt Doc. Funcion explanation
Accessible without login HTML file sample.html Output Output of the sample.php with use of normal distribution method. (not functional)
Accessible without login Plain text file sample.php Example Example script
Accessible without login Plain text file ztable.txt Data Areas under the normal curve

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