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How to Use a PHP Text-to-Speech Library to Generate Voice Audio for a Text Using the Package ElevenLabs Laravel: Generate speech from text using the ElevenLabs API

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This package can generate speech from text using the ElevenLabs API.

It provides a Laravel service class configuring a class to call the ElevenLabs text-to-speech API using traits.

The traits can call the ElevenLabs API to:

- Get the available text-to-speech generation models

- Generate an MPEG audio stream that represents a given text and a given model

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('Methods Unit Test', function () {
test('getModels() function', function () {
$models = \ArdaGnsrn\ElevenLabs\Facades\ElevenLabs::getModels();
test('textToSpeech() function', function () {
$response = \ArdaGnsrn\ElevenLabs\Facades\ElevenLabs::textToSpeech('2EiwWnXFnvU5JabPnv8n', 'H');



elevenlabs-js API for PHP Laravel

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This is an Open Source PHP Laravel package for Text to Speech API. You can find the Official API document here:

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Table of Contents


You can install the package via composer:

composer require ardagnsrn/elevenlabs-laravel

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="elevenlabs-laravel-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [
    'api_key' => env('ELEVENLABS_API_KEY'),

Supported Methods

| Method | Parameters | EndPoint | HTTP Method | |------------------|-----------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------|-------------| | textToSpeech() | voiceId, text, modelId, voiceSettings | /v1/text-to-speech/{voice_id}/stream | POST | | getModels() | N/A | /v1/models | GET |


| Parameter | Type | Description | Required | Default | |---------------|--------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | voiceId | String | The ID of the voice to use. You can get a list of available voices using getVoices(). | Yes | N/A | | text | String | The text to convert to speech. | Yes | N/A | | modelId | String | The ID of the model to use. You can get a list of available models using getModels(). | No | eleven_multilingual_v2 | | voiceSettings | Array | The settings to use for the voice. | No | ['stability' => 0.95, 'similarity_boost' => 0.75, 'style' => 0.06, 'use_speaker_boost' => true] |

Voice Settings

| Parameter | Type | Description | Default | |-------------------|---------|--------------------------------------|---------| | stability | Float | The stability of the voice. | 0.95 | | similarity_boost | Float | The similarity boost of the voice. | 0.75 | | style | Float | The style of the voice. | 0.06 | | use_speaker_boost | Boolean | Whether to use speaker boost or not. | true |


textToSpeech() Method

Generate a text to speech audio file. You can either save the file or get the pipe and do whatever you want with it.

$elevenLabs = new ArdaGnsrn\ElevenLabs();
$response = $elevenLabs->textToSpeech('YOUR_VOICE_ID', 'Hello World!', 'eleven_multilingual_v2', [
    'stability' => 0.95, 
    'similarity_boost' => 0.75, 
    'style' => 0.06, 
    'use_speaker_boost' => true

// If you want, you can save to storage like this:

// Or you can get the response and do whatever you want with it:

getModels() Method

Get a list of available models.

$elevenLabs = new ArdaGnsrn\ElevenLabs();
$models = $elevenLabs->getModels();


composer test

Other Languages

Also, you can find the other languages of this package here: - ElevenLabs API For NodeJS (elevenlabs-js) - ElevenLabs API For PHP Laravel (elevenlabs-laravel)


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

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Files folder imageFacades (1 file)
Files folder imageResponses (1 file)
Files folder imageTraits (2 files)
Files folder imageUtils (1 file)
  Plain text file ElevenLabs.php Class Class source
  Plain text file ElevenLabsServiceProvider.php Class Class source

  Files folder image Files (30)  /  src  /  Facades  
File Role Description
  Plain text file ElevenLabs.php Class Class source

  Files folder image Files (30)  /  src  /  Responses  
File Role Description
  Plain text file TextToSpeechResponse.php Class Class source

  Files folder image Files (30)  /  src  /  Traits  
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  Plain text file TextToSpeechTrait.php Class Class source

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