PHP Classes

IANA Enterprise Numbers Fetcher: Fetch and search the IANA PEN List

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Picture of Till Wehowski
Name: Till Wehowski <contact>
Classes: 29 packages by
Country: Germany Germany
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 11x

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This class can fetch and search the IANA PEN List.

It can send an HTTP request to the IANA Web site to retrieve the list of Internet networks, the companies responsible for those networks, the name of the responsible person, and the respective email address.

The list is stored in a cache file to avoid spending time retrieving the list again while the timeout of the cache file does not pass.

The package can also perform searches for names, email addresses, and identifier numbers in the list to return a list of match results for the values searched.



Fetch the PEN List from IANA and optionally search in it.


header('Content-Type: text/plain');
$Fetcher = new IanaPenListFetcher();
$result = $Fetcher();
 echo print_r(count($result), true). " Records found\n";
//This should search and find the SAME entry (by email, id, oid, name, org):
 echo print_r($Fetcher(''), true). "\n";
 echo print_r($Fetcher(37553), true). "\n";
 echo print_r($Fetcher(''), true). "\n";
 echo print_r($Fetcher('Wehowski'), true). "\n";
 echo print_r($Fetcher('frdl'), true). "\n";

Optionally with custom configuration:

$Fetcher->setCachelimit(60 * 60);

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Name: IANA Enterprise Numbers Fetcher
Base name: iana-enterprise-numb
Description: Fetch and search the IANA PEN List
Version: -
PHP version: 5
License: MIT/X Consortium License
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  Innovation Award  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2023
The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is responsible for assigning the main numbers used to connect to networks all over the Internet.

One of the types of numbers that it assigns is the numbers of the companies responsible for networks connecting many nodes on the Internet.

This package can retrieve the complete list of companies IANA lists, so PHP developers can search that list for numbers and names of companies responsible for all the Internet network nodes made available in the IANA Enterprise numbers list.

Manuel Lemos

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  Accessible without login Plain text file IanaPenListFetcher.class.php Class Class source

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