PHP Classes

Root66: Calculate the square, cube, and 5th roots

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  Author Author  
Picture of Lance Otis
Name: Lance Otis <contact>
Classes: 1 package by
Country: United States United States
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x

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This class can calculate the square, cube, and 5th roots of a number without the use of PHP built-in root function.

It can take a given number and perform calculations to obtain a number's square, cube, and 5th roots.

An example script is provided to let users enter the input number and the type of root that will be calculated. The hand shows the root result number and the calculation's error level.

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Name: Root66
Base name: root66
Description: Calculate the square, cube, and 5th roots
Version: 2
PHP version: 5
License: Freeware
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  Files folder image Screenshots  
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Accessible without login Image file root66Screnshpt.jpg Screen Demo implements the class

  Innovation Award  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2023
PHP provides built-in functions to perform several types of math calculations.

PHP can perform square root calculations with a built-in function but does not provide a built-in function to calculate cubic roots.

This class can calculate either square or cubic roots. It can be used to solve problems involving 2 and 3 dimensions and area and volume calculations.

Manuel Lemos

  Applications that use this package  
Calc roots 2,3, and 5 Demo and PHp
Demo implements the class

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  Related pages  
class php

  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Plain text file classRoot66.php Class class php
Accessible without login Plain text file readme.pdf Doc. Demo implements the class
Accessible without login Plain text file Root66Implementation.php Example Demo implements the class

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  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Plain text file classRoot66.php Class class php
Accessible without login Plain text file readme.pdf Doc. Demo implements the class
Accessible without login Plain text file Root66Implementation.php Example Demo implements the class

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