PHP Installment Interest and Future Value Calculator
This class can calculate interest, future value, and monthly installment for a
principal value with an interest rate for a given number of months.

To get the latest stable version of this component use:
"require": {
"springy-framework/installment-calc": "*"
in your composer.json file.
I suppose that the following example is all you need:
require 'vendor/autoload.php'; // If you're using Composer (recommended)
// Creates the object. Only the principal value is requered in constructor.
$installment = new Springy\InstallmentCalc(
Interst formula constants explained
Springy\InstallmentCalc::FORMULA_SIMPLE - Simple interest
Springy\InstallmentCalc::FORMULA_COMPOUND - Compound interest
Springy\InstallmentCalc::FORMULA_BCB - Brazilian Central Bank interset formula
// Gets future amount for 12 months
echo $installment->getFutureAmount(12);
// Gets total interest for 12 months
echo $installment->getInterest(12);
// Gets monthly installment for 12 months
echo $installment->getMonthlyInstallment(12);
// Gets current principal amount
echo $installment->getPrincipalAmount();
// Gets current interest formula method
echo $installment->getFormulaMethod();
// Gets current interes rate
echo $installment->getInterestRate();
// Changes the principal amount value
// Changes the interest formula value
// Changes the interest rate value
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