PHP Entities: Create entities and collections of objects

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Picture of DeGraciaMathieu
Name: DeGraciaMathieu <contact>
Classes: 9 packages by
Country: France France
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This package can be used to create entities and collections of objects.

It provides a base entity class that should be extended by applications to create application specify entity classes.

It takes an array of key-value pairs to assign to the entity class.

It also provides an abstract consistency check function that implementation classes should define to evaluate if the entity object has its variables set in a consistent way according to application rules.

The package also provides and entity collection class that can gather a collection of entity objects like an array.



This package provide a way to implements entities. Useful for your services or repositories.


Create your entity in dedicated class :

use Alchemistery\Entity;

class Human extends Entity
    public $name;
    public $age;

    public function isConsistent(): bool
        return ! is_null($this->name) && ! is_null($this->age);

Then instanciate a new entity like that :

$human = new Human([
    'name' => 'Bob',
    'age' => 42,

$human->name // Bob
$human->age // 42
$human->isConsistent(); // true

Create your entity list like this :

use Alchemistery\EntityList;

class People extends EntityList
    public function hasExpectedType(Entity $entity): bool
        return $entity instanceof Human::class;

    public function getYoungest(): Human
        $consistentPeople = $this->getConsistentEntities();
        uasort($consistentPeople, function ($a, $b) {
            if ($a->age === $b->age) {
                return 0;
            return ($a > $b) ? -1 : 1;

        return array_pop($consistentPeople);

Then instanciate a list like that :

$bob = new Human(['name' => 'Bob', 'age' => 12]);
$john = new Human(['name' => 'John', 'age' => 10]);

$people = new People([$bob, $john]);

$people[0]->name // Bob
$people[1]->name // John
$people->getYoungest()->name // John

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Name: PHP Entities
Base name: entities
Description: Create entities and collections of objects
Version: -
PHP version: 5
License: The PHP License
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  Files folder image Files  /  src  
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  Plain text file Entity.php Class Class source
  Plain text file EntityList.php Class Class source
  Plain text file UnexpectedEntityException.php Class Class source

  Files folder image Files  /  tests  
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  Plain text file EntityListTest.php Class Class source
  Plain text file EntityTest.php Class Class source

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