PHP Classes

Thread: A class to implement multi-threaded applications

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Picture of Luca Mariano
Name: Luca Mariano <contact>
Classes: 1 package by
Country: Italy Italy

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Wrapper around the pcntl_fork() stuff, with a API set like Java language.
Practical usage is done by extending this class, and re-defining the run() method.
This way PHP developers can enclose logic into a class that extends PHP_Fork, then execute the start() method that forks a child process.
Communications with the forked process is ensured by using a Shared Memory Segment; by using a user-defined signal and this shared memory developers can access to child process methods that returns a serializable variable.

The shared variable space can be accessed with the tho methods:
o void setVariable($name, $value)
o mixed getVariable($name)

$name must be a valid PHP variable name;
$value must be a variable or a serializable object.
Resources (db connections, streams, etc.) cannot be serialized and so they're not correctly handled.

Only runs on *NIX systems, because Windows lacks of the needed pcntl ext.

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Name: Thread
Base name: php_fork
Description: A class to implement multi-threaded applications
Version: 1.0.0
PHP version: -
License: The PHP License
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Group folder image Unix Use of capabilities specific of POSIX, Unix like operating systems View top rated classes
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Threads PHP

  Other classes that need this package  
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DNServer To implement the DNServer_multithreaded. Conditional
PHP Cron Daemon This class forms the actual thread-generation. Is included by default Required

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  Applications that use this package  
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  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Accessible without login Plain text file action_dispatcher.php Example shows a multiprocess application scheme where all processes run a sleep() cycle, and a centralized dispatcher pass them the work.
Accessible without login Plain text file basic.php Example a basic example, only two pseudo-threads that increment a counter simultaneously
Accessible without login Plain text file exec_methods.php Example shows how to execute methods into the child process.
Plain text file Fork.php Class Main class
Accessible without login Plain text file INSTALL Doc. installation instructions
Accessible without login Plain text file passing_vars.php Example shows variable exchange between the parent process and started pseudo-threads.
Accessible without login HTML file php_fork-api.html Doc. API docs
Accessible without login Plain text file simple_controller.php Example shows how to attach a controller to started pseudo-threads.

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