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PHP Polimorphism: Demonstrate several ways to implement polimorphism

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Name: adam berger <contact>
Classes: 12 packages by
Country: Poland Poland
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 2x

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This package demonstrates several ways to implement polimorphism in PHP.

It provides different classes and examples that implement polimorphism in different ways as a means to create objects in such a way that applications can call different the same way but each object has their own behavior.

Currently it provides classes that implement polimorphism using abstract classes, interfaces, sub-class extensions and traits.



Ucz?c si? na testy programowania oop w PHP natrafi?em na ciekawy temat jakim jest polimorfizm.
Z racji tego, ?e ma?o by?o materia?ów na ten temat w j?zyku Polskim postanowi?em troszk? u?atwi?
nauk? przysz?ym programistom, szukaj?cym jaki? materia?ów na temat polimorfizmu, dziel?c go na kategorie. 
Nie spotka?em si? z takim podzia?em,  wi?c mam nadziej?, ?e dobrze zrobi?em dziel?c go na cztery kategorie. 
Uwa?am podzia? na kategorie za ?atwiej przyswajalne, zrozumia?e i przejrzyste do dalszej nauki. 

  1. Polimorfizm Interfejsowy
  2. Polimorfizm Abstrakcyjny
  3. Polimorfizm Traits
  4. Polimorfizm Dziedziczony

PHP-Polymorphism EN

While learning about oop programming tests in PHP, I came across an interesting topic, which is polymorphism. Due to the fact that there were few materials on this subject in Polish, I decided to make it a little easier learning for future programmers looking for some materials about polymorphism, dividing it into categories. I have not met with such a division, so I hope I did well by dividing it into four categories. I consider the division into categories to be more easily absorbed, understandable and transparent for further learning.

  1. Interface Polymorphism
  2. Polymorphism Abstract
  3. Polymorphism Traits
  4. Polymorphism Inherited

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Name: PHP Polimorphism
Base name: php-polimorfizm
Description: Demonstrate several ways to implement polimorphism
Version: -
PHP version: 5
License: MIT/X Consortium License
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  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Plain text file Class-Abstract-Polimorf.php Class Class source
Plain text file Class-Extends-Polimorf.php Class Class source
Plain text file Class-Interface-Polimorf.php Class Class source
Plain text file Class-Traits-Polimorf.php Class Class source
Accessible without login Plain text file index-Abstract.php Example Example script
Accessible without login Plain text file index-Extends.php Example Example script
Accessible without login Plain text file index-Interface.php Example Example script
Accessible without login Plain text file index-Traits.php Example Example script
Accessible without login Plain text file Doc. Documentation

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