Flash alerts
This is a really simple and easy script for creating alert box using Bootstrap with a custom message and sytle. If you want to display an alert box after a completed form or some action you can use this.
How to use
Use this is really simple. Just follow the next steps.
1- Always start a session and include it:
Its really important start and destroy the sessions.
session_start(); // at the top of the script/page
include 'path/to/alerts.php';
$alerts = new alerts();
//your code page.....
session_destroy(); // at the bottom of the script/page
2- Creating the alert
Before displaying you must create it. This work as a function call.
$alerts->create('Thanks for use this', 'info', '/page.php');
This function creata a session called "flash" that store the div with the parameters.
If the session is created and everything its okay, it will redirect to "/page.php".
3- Displaying the alert
Once is included and the sessions are started you must load it.
//will display <div class="alert alert-info">Thanks for use this</div>