sebastian - 2010-02-12 05:34:31
Dear All,
I´m having problems with a php code. I´m constantly receiving the following error:
Call to a member function getMinDias() on a non-object in /var/www/xxxxxxxx/file.php on line 282
Line 282 refers to the following code:
$ffaux = strtotime($fecha_inicio_format.' + '.$temp->getMinDias().'days ');
For reference:
where $temp = $a->temporada($postFechaInicio);
where $postFechaInicio = $_POST['anoLlegada'].'-'.$_POST['mesLlegada'].'-'.$_POST['diaLlegada'];
To be honest I dont know if I have a sintax error on line 282 or something different applies.
hope you can help. Best regards... sebastian.