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script for domain check

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Subject:script for domain check
Summary:script or program for domain check
Author:aelbrecht sven
Date:2010-01-05 21:37:12
Update:2010-01-07 03:01:16

  1. script for domain check   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of aelbrecht sven aelbrecht sven - 2010-01-05 23:13:00
There are lots of free to use directory programs, but those are not unique
There are programs you can buy,but those are expensive.
Now i trying to built one myself and its <a href"">working</a>
Only i have one problem if you go to this <a href"">page</a> and click on the link to see the details i wanna show the - Backlinks - keyword and google ranking of that listing.
Now i have to check it out manual
Is there a program or script that i can include to display it with live results

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