Aziz KURTULUS - 2009-12-19 23:27:39
I get following error on my oop php code:
Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in E:\AppServ\www\test9.php on line 478
478. line: $property[$this->id] = $_SESSION[$rid][$id][$pid];
$rid = row id (of html output)
$id = object id
$pid = property id
$this->id format is: 2_16_71 i.e.
$idc = explode("_", $this->id);
(converting strings to integer to leave error message, but sorry)
$rid = intval($idc[0]);
$id = intval($idc[1]);
$pid = intval($idc[2]);
any ideas to prevent this error? Thanks for replies...