Matthew Burns - 2009-11-25 01:00:36
Hi I'm trying to order my tags my the number of time they occur and also limit the number of tags outputted (I only want 5).
Here is my script:
$sql="SELECT DISTINCT tags FROM stories";
$res=mysql_query($sql) or die($sql." - ".mysql_error());
if (!mysql_num_rows($res))
echo "";
$string = $row[0];
$array = explode(',', $string);
foreach ($array as $value)
$bigarray[] = trim($value);
$bigarray = array_unique($bigarray);
foreach ($bigarray as $value)
If ($value=="")
echo "<a href=\"?mode=3&tag=".ucfirst($value)."\">".ucfirst($value)."</a><br />";
All my tags are in one col and delimited (eg. test, other, stuff)
is there a way to count how many of the same word are in the array and then echo the first 5 (the ones with the most duplicates)