PHP Classes

Some points

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Subject:Some points
Summary:Just some points to add to the review
Author:Jose Leon Serna
Date:2007-04-04 12:07:49
Update:2007-04-10 15:25:49

  1. Some points   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Jose Leon Serna Jose Leon Serna - 2007-04-04 17:33:57
Nice review, as it covers all aspects of the tool, just some points:
-Remote debugging has not been implemented, we will add that on future releases
-ADOdb and Smarty are options, is not a must to develop applications with them, more Datasets can be created, for example, the IBX controls are Datasets but they don't use ADOdb, and Smarty is used in the form of a plugin, it's really easy to integrate any template engine of your choice.

And finally, note VCL for PHP is opensource under LGPL license, you can find the project page here:


  2. Re: Some points   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Manuel Lemos Manuel Lemos - 2007-04-04 19:16:28 - In reply to message 1 from Jose Leon Serna
Good to know that you are working improvements.

As for using alternative packages, I wonder if there is any documentation for integrating with other packages, and if so, where can I find it.

I am looking forward to evaluate the possibility to integrate with these forms generation and validation and database abstraction packages which have tens of thousands of users in the PHPClasses site.

I also wonder if it would possible to integrate Delphi for PHP with ORM classes generated by Metastorage:

Finally, I would like to know if there are any plans to make Delphi for PHP work under Linux and Mac OS X, at least under Wine?

  3. Re: Some points   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Jose Leon Serna Jose Leon Serna - 2007-04-10 15:25:49 - In reply to message 2 from Manuel Lemos
You can find more info about writting components here: ...

Also, subscribe to the development mailing list to ask any question you have.

I know about your packages, I'm a long time subscriber to this site and your packages should be easy to integrate. We are working now integrating PEAR packages and we have integrated DataGrid easily, so you should be able to do it.

Regarding Delphi for PHP plans, I'm not allowed to reveal any plans, CodeGear should release some kind of roadmap about the tool.