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scrap in twitter more photos

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Subject:scrap in twitter more photos
Author:Lenin Zapata
Date:2016-09-26 19:02:03

  1. scrap in twitter more photos   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Lenin Zapata Lenin Zapata - 2016-09-26 19:02:03
Hello, I love this script and I can get any item in this case interests me pictures, put in the following URL:

Tag: .js-adaptive-photo img
Display type: Html elements

and get the following result:

How I can do to get all the images of twitter ?, ie do as follow loading the page and to scrap all pictures, help

  2. Re: scrap in twitter more photos   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Truong Van Phu Truong Van Phu - 2016-10-03 03:17:37 - In reply to message 1 from Lenin Zapata
Hi there,

I checked your case and get the resul: ...

It still get all pictures. (Scroll down)

Could you explan more your case ?