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pdf conversion not work - ffedback from a user

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Subject:pdf conversion not work - ffedback...
Summary:report problem
Date:2017-06-29 08:13:49

  1. pdf conversion not work - ffedback...   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of ANDYLORENZ ANDYLORENZ - 2017-06-29 08:13:49
Hello Christian,
thanks very much your work

I tested pdf to text class and it worked
I needed to get text inside pdf, split page and renamed them

so i create invected pdf and create little scritp for the job..

test worked fine,
everything was as I aspected

when i tried a real pdf
(not made by me)
I got some problem

I tried to check where were the problem
since i used also fpdfi

and finally i descovered that I get blank page if i output
simple text of this pdf

I mean this simple function

$pdf = new PdfToText ( 'sample.pdf' ) ;
echo $pdf -> Text ;

i get blank page
it mean for some reason this pdf is not read

this pdf is not a scan, it seem generated by computer, i think is made by a asp script...

not have password..

only think i see is have a imagine, sort of logo in the beginning...

this is simply my feedback..

I think there are some problem with some pdf..
