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document_stripos missing page numbers

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Subject:document_stripos missing page numbers
Summary:document_stripos stopped returning the page numbers
Author:Ron Boyle
Date:2017-02-06 20:19:55

  1. document_stripos missing page numbers   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Ron Boyle Ron Boyle - 2017-02-06 20:19:55
document_stripos seems to have changed how the data is returned.
The following statement generates the return data differently:

$pdf -> document_stripos($search, true);

Version : 1.2.47 returns:

[0] => Array
[0] => 1206
[1] => 1270
[2] => 1354
[3] => 1461
[4] => 1996
[5] => 2084
[6] => 2145

[1] => Array
[0] => 2573
[1] => 2626
[2] => 2701
[3] => 2776
[4] => 3774
[5] => 3836
[6] => 3918
[7] => 4023
[8] => 4117
[9] => 4201
[10] => 4258

[2] => Array
[0] => 4682
[1] => 4731
[2] => 4802
[3] => 4872

Version : 1.3.7 and Version : 1.3.13 return:

[0] => Array
[0] => 1206
[1] => 1270
[2] => 1354
[3] => 1461
[4] => 1996
[5] => 2084
[6] => 2145
[7] => 2573
[8] => 2626
[9] => 2701
[10] => 2776
[11] => 3774
[12] => 3836
[13] => 3918
[14] => 4023
[15] => 4117
[16] => 4201
[17] => 4258
[18] => 4682
[19] => 4731
[20] => 4802
[21] => 4872

I seem to have lost the page numbers where the text is found. Is there a way to retrieve the page numbers?

Thank you very much for your time

  2. Re: document_stripos missing page numbers   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Christian Vigh Christian Vigh - 2017-02-06 20:32:19 - In reply to message 1 from Ron Boyle
Hi Ron,

It has been a long time since I reviewed such functions , so maybe I introduced a regression somewhere.

Could you please send me the part of the script that performs the search, together with the PDF file you are testing ? (

With kind regards,