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Errors found

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Subject:Errors found
Summary:Tilde does not translate and characters are dropped
Author:Gerry Danen
Date:2016-04-26 15:25:32

  1. Errors found   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Gerry Danen Gerry Danen - 2016-04-26 15:25:32
I tried this as a test:

$to_encode = "~ * ( # - , ; : - Hi, this is Gerry!<br>";
$encoded = $formatter->encode($to_encode);
echo 'Encoded: ' . $encoded . '<br>';

The tilde is not translated.

When I use this:

echo 'Decoded: ';
echo $formatter->decode('&amp;tilde; &amp;ast; &amp;lpar; &amp;num; &amp;hyphen; &amp;comma; &amp;semi; &amp;colon; &amp;hyphen; Hi&amp;comma; this is Gerry&amp;excl;&amp;lt;br&amp;gt;');

All letters in the alphabet are dropped.

  2. Re: Errors found   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Gavin Gordon Markowski Gavin Gordon Markowski - 2016-04-27 08:58:50 - In reply to message 1 from Gerry Danen
Omg, I'm embarrassed.

I apologize for this, and i'll start working on a fix as soon as possible. Once that is done, I will inform you.

  3. Issue Resolved   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Gavin Gordon Markowski Gavin Gordon Markowski - 2016-04-28 22:39:18 - In reply to message 1 from Gerry Danen
Hello, Gerry.

I believe I have resolved the issues you had encountered.

I have uploaded the files here, as well as on github ( ), and I tested all the files via phpunit; the test results passed successfully.

Please don't hesitate to let me know if the problem still persists, or if you encounter anymore issues.

Thank you!


  4. Re: Errors found - Resolved   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Gavin Gordon Markowski Gavin Gordon Markowski - 2016-05-04 18:37:42 - In reply to message 1 from Gerry Danen
Hey, Gerry.

I can confirm with you 100% now, after some further testing, that I have resolved the issue you were facing, regarding the inability to encode/decode the tilde sign.

Thank you for your feedback!

By the way, I have been nominated for a PHP Innovation Award for HtmlEntities. To show your support, please feel free to submit your vote for this class at Once there, select the radio button to the left where my info is location on that page (you will see my name [Gavin Gordon Markowski]). Then, scroll down to the bottom of that page, and click submit. :-D
