 Gerry Danen - 2016-04-26 15:25:32
I tried this as a test:
$to_encode = "~ * ( # - , ; : - Hi, this is Gerry!<br>";
$encoded = $formatter->encode($to_encode);
echo 'Encoded: ' . $encoded . '<br>';
The tilde is not translated.
When I use this:
echo 'Decoded: ';
echo $formatter->decode('&tilde; &ast; &lpar; &num; &hyphen; &comma; &semi; &colon; &hyphen; Hi&comma; this is Gerry&excl;&lt;br&gt;');
All letters in the alphabet are dropped.
 Gavin Gordon Markowski - 2016-04-27 08:58:50 - In reply to message 1 from Gerry Danen
Omg, I'm embarrassed.
I apologize for this, and i'll start working on a fix as soon as possible. Once that is done, I will inform you.
 Gavin Gordon Markowski - 2016-04-28 22:39:18 - In reply to message 1 from Gerry Danen
Hello, Gerry.
I believe I have resolved the issues you had encountered.
I have uploaded the files here, as well as on github ( https://github.com/gavinggordon/htmlentities ), and I tested all the files via phpunit; the test results passed successfully.
Please don't hesitate to let me know if the problem still persists, or if you encounter anymore issues.
Thank you!
 Gavin Gordon Markowski - 2016-05-04 18:37:42 - In reply to message 1 from Gerry Danen
Hey, Gerry.
I can confirm with you 100% now, after some further testing, that I have resolved the issue you were facing, regarding the inability to encode/decode the tilde sign.
Thank you for your feedback!
By the way, I have been nominated for a PHP Innovation Award for HtmlEntities. To show your support, please feel free to submit your vote for this class at http://www.phpclasses.org/vote.html. Once there, select the radio button to the left where my info is location on that page (you will see my name [Gavin Gordon Markowski]). Then, scroll down to the bottom of that page, and click submit. :-D