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Object return

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Subject:Object return
Summary:Arrays from execute() work better than objects
Author:Gerry Danen
Date:2016-03-29 20:19:58

  1. Object return   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Gerry Danen Gerry Danen - 2016-03-29 20:19:58
I am using this method to convert objects from the execute method to arrays.

It may enhance the dbase class.

private(or public) function _objectToArray($objectIn)
$arrayOut = array();
if ( $objectIn )
foreach ( $objectIn AS $key => $item )
if ( is_array($item) OR is_object($item) )
$arrayOut[$key] = $this->_objectToArray($item);
$arrayOut[$key] = $item;
return $arrayOut;

  2. Re: Object return   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Matthew Boyle Matthew Boyle - 2016-03-29 20:40:07 - In reply to message 1 from Gerry Danen
Thanks for the suggestion. That's a clever function.