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Missing Files in this Class Download

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Subject:Missing Files in this Class Download
Summary:Missing Files in this Class Download
Author:Justin Masi
Date:2015-04-27 14:45:38

  1. Missing Files in this Class Download   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Justin Masi Justin Masi - 2015-04-27 14:45:38
Hello, I tried running the downloaded file on my server but, the index.php file has reference to files not contained in the root folder. Files namely: vendor/autoload.php, config/app.config.php
Kindly check and clarify me on this. Thank you.

  2. Re: Missing Files in this Class Download   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Edvaldo Szymonek Edvaldo Szymonek - 2015-04-27 15:24:47 - In reply to message 1 from Justin Masi

First you need download and install Composer (Dependency Manager for PHP)
to download the dependency classes.

Next you need configure in "app.config.php" file your Facebook App ID, Facebook App Secret and your Facebook App Scope. You can get it at

  3. Re: Missing Files in this Class Download   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Dean Outlaw Dean Outlaw - 2015-05-20 00:16:46 - In reply to message 2 from Edvaldo Szymonek
It would have been more helpful if you had included the required files in the first place.

  4. Re: Missing Files in this Class Download   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Ricardo Strapasson Ricardo Strapasson - 2015-06-23 20:21:25 - In reply to message 2 from Edvaldo Szymonek
Edvaldo boa tarde

Executei os procedimentos que você passou, instanado o Composer (fiz um teste no CMD e executou o comando) e também configurei os dados do app.config.php, mas ainda aparece o erro de equire_once(vendor/autoload.php).

Tem alguma configuração adicional?


  5. Re: Missing Files in this Class Download   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Edvaldo Szymonek Edvaldo Szymonek - 2015-07-26 04:28:50 - In reply to message 4 from Ricardo Strapasson

Não existe nenhuma configuração adicional.
Verifique no diretório "vendor" se existe o arquivo "autoload.php", caso contrário está faltando instalar o composer.

Após baixar o composer, você deve nevegar até a pasta do projeto e executar o comando "composer install"


  6. Re: Missing Files in this Class Download   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Seoscore Net Seoscore Net - 2016-01-09 19:49:08 - In reply to message 1 from Justin Masi
Can you write step by step tutorial, how to install this script? It seems it dosen't work.

  7. Re: Missing Files in this Class Download   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Henrique Henrique - 2016-02-05 14:29:59 - In reply to message 1 from Justin Masi
Não consigo usar o composer... alguém poderia upar as classes ? obrigado.

  8. Re: Missing Files in this Class Download   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of kinho kinho - 2016-04-07 18:41:52 - In reply to message 1 from Justin Masi
Instalei corretamente o composer, mas depois de logar volta para tela de login.