PHP Classes

Set function

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Subject:Set function
Summary:Set Name format AND Set DB archive format
Author:Abdullah AL Mamun
Date:2015-12-24 05:40:46

  1. Set function   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Abdullah AL Mamun Abdullah AL Mamun - 2015-12-24 05:40:46
I see this updated class function DavBackup.php in

But don't see code $ya->setName('My Backup'); in example.php

I need set backup name before or after time prefix.

And please give me only updated code.


And I need database backup archive format to (.zip, .gz). Now backup .sql

And please give me only updated code.


Please help me.
I will be grateful.

  2. Re: Set function   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Abdullah AL Mamun Abdullah AL Mamun - 2015-12-28 05:49:43 - In reply to message 1 from Abdullah AL Mamun
Please help me.