Cleidson Dias do Nascimento - 2015-01-01 01:28:04 -
In reply to message 1 from Rose Roja
Sorry, but I have not had time to make the use of manual for this component.
To use and very simple, just follow the steps below
1 - Copy the implementation to a subfolder in your project called serversoap
2 - On page you want to use the implementation of MTOM do the imports and necessary uses as:
require_once 'seisoap/SEISOAPServer.php';
require_once 'serversoap/implements/helper/SEISOAPhelper.php';
use SERVERSOAP\implement\helper\SEISOAPhelper;
3 - Create the object you want to use as follows
if you want to use MTOM
$servidorSoap = new SEISOAPServer ( "some.wsdl", array (
'attachment_type' => SEISOAPhelper::ATTACHMENTS_TYPE_MTOM
) );
$servidorSoap->setClass ( "some" );
if you want to use the SwA
$servidorSoap = new SEISOAPServer ( "some.wsdl", array (
'attachment_type' => SEISOAPhelper::ATTACHMENTS_TYPE_SWA
) );
$servidorSoap->setClass ( "some" );
And finally call the object as an example below
// Only process if accessed via POST
Anything let me know