Joseluis Laso - 2014-08-18 07:13:52 -
In reply to message 1 from Don Filer
Hi Don,
my php-tools.php package doesn't have any example.php, if I don't remember bad.
But I think that you have not well configured the access to DB, the error you have getting indicates that $con is not an object because no connection with DB have been initiated.
Please, revise the 9th line of php-tools.php, where require_once __DIR__.'/../config.php' and then, or put a file called config.php with declaration of constants DB_HOST, DB_USUARIO, DB_PASSWORD and DB_NAME or declare this constants in the place of this line, for instance:
@define ("__DIR__",dirname(__FILE__));
// require_once __DIR__.'/../config.php';
define("DB_HOST", "localhost");
define("DB_USUARIO", "root");
define("DB_PASSWORD", "passwd");
define("DB_NAME", "myDB");
class DbTools {
Let me know please if I understood well your issue ...