Roberto Cahanap - 2013-05-20 13:29:27
Hello Manuel,
Thank you for this class.
I Googled for oAuth libraries and found your contribution. I needed an oAuth library with Facebook for my website so I was excited finding this.
I am not familiar with oAuth and also not familiar with Facebook, but this was so easy to implement.
I followed the login_with_facebook.php file and it looks like it was working fine. It redirected me to the $client->redirect_uri that I had set up after logging in properly from the Facebook site.
But my $client->access_token was blank so I was not able to do a $client->CallAPI().
I am sure it was a silly mistake on my end, but why would this happen?
Also, just to verify, does redirecting back to my "Welcome" page from Facebook mean that it was authenticated properly?
Thank you very much for your reply.