Robert Garrison - 2011-09-06 15:56:53 -
In reply to message 1 from Arieh Yarden
Right at the top of the core file in the documentation I have a example instantiation and how to use it. If you need more detail than this I wouldn't mind writing a more in-depth how to on it.
* Filename......: ExchangeSrvReadCalendar_class.php
* Author........: Rob Garrison
* Created.......: 08/07/2011 2:40 PM
* Description...: Exchange server calendar reader class.
* This class will take in information on your exchange server and then go out and
* read the folder and return back the information about the events it finds inside
* of it.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Example Instantiation and Use
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* $obj = new ExchangeSrvReadPublicCalendarControl("http://exchangesrv", "exchange/username/Calendar", "exchangeAdmin", "exchangeAdminPassword");
* $obj->setDateTimeStart("08/01/2011"); // Start Date
* $obj->setDateTimeEnd("08/31/2011"); // End Date
* // Results can be brought back on the exec or
* // called back in later via the method below
* // $results = $obj->getResults();
* $results = $obj->exec();
* // Would return back the count of events for
* // the date requested
* $obj->countForDate("08/19/2011 12:30 PM");
* // Would return back a array of events for
* // the date requested
* $results = $obj->eventsForDate("08/19/2011 12:30 PM");
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Change Log
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Who What When
* ------------ ----------------------------------------------- --------------------
* Rob Added in a method to return count of events for 08/17/2011 2:45 PM
* day requested.
* - - -
* Rob Changed the search algorithm to include events 08/17/2011 3:31 PM
* that could span over top of the range
* - - -
* Rob Added in method that would return back all 08/18/2011 4:45 PM
* events for a date that was requested
* - - -