PHP Classes

Pagination & Validation

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Subject:Pagination & Validation
Summary:Pagination & Validation
Date:2013-10-10 09:29:24
Update:2013-10-13 00:14:40

  1. Pagination & Validation   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Sam Sam - 2013-10-10 09:29:24
can you provide examples of pagination and validation?

Regards Sam

  2. Re: Pagination & Validation   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Evert Ulises German Soto Evert Ulises German Soto - 2013-10-13 00:14:40 - In reply to message 1 from Sam
Hi Sam,

If you want to build a grid you can use this plugin:

is really useful, but if you like a basic pagination you need research how to do pagination this plugin is really easy.
