PHP Classes

Cut optimization

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Subject:Cut optimization
Summary:2D Cut optimization
Date:2011-07-24 22:46:08
Update:2013-09-23 16:45:46

  1. Cut optimization   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of email4 email4 - 2011-07-24 22:46:09

I am currently developping a quoting software. I am looking for a class that could help me to have the best cut optimization/nesting for rectangulare parts on fixed-sized rectangular sheets.

It looks like this class could do the trick. Could you explain a bit further how to use it?


  2. Re: Cut optimization   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Chi H. Chi H. - 2011-07-25 12:44:26 - In reply to message 1 from email4
Bin-Classing is only a 1d-packing algorithm and it doesn't check for all possibilities. It's optimized for speed. If you want to check for 2d you need another approach. Especially if you want to rotate the rectangles. A simple approach is to use a tiling algorithm like my space-filling-curve: The sfc helps you to reduce the 2d problem to a 1d problem. Then you can use this with the greedy approach of the bin-packing algorithm to check for some possibilities. I wouldn't recommend this, though.