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YouTube API

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Subject:YouTube API
Summary:can not get the list of youtube videos
Author:jafar salam
Date:2011-11-13 18:11:35

  1. YouTube API   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of jafar salam jafar salam - 2011-11-13 18:11:35
hi ;

the script login ok, but when i use getUploadedVideos , I get n error :

Warning: SimpleXMLElement::xpath() [simplexmlelement.xpath]: Undefined namespace prefix in /httpdocs/b/ClassYouTubeAPI.php on line 967

Warning: SimpleXMLElement::xpath() [simplexmlelement.xpath]: xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed in /httpdocs/b/ClassYouTubeAPI.php on line 967

Warning: SimpleXMLElement::xpath() [simplexmlelement.xpath]: Undefined namespace prefix in /httpdocs/b/ClassYouTubeAPI.php on line 970

Warning: SimpleXMLElement::xpath() [simplexmlelement.xpath]: xmlXPathEval: evaluation failed in /httpdocs/b/ClassYouTubeAPI.php on line 970
Array ( [startindex] => [nextPageIndex] => 0 [itemsPerPage] => 10 [totalresults] => 0 [result] => Array ( ) )

any advise